Activities under EDC-A.Y-2019-20

Activities under EDC-A.Y-2018-19

Activities under EDC-A.Y-2017-18

Activities under EDC-A.Y-2016-17

Activities under Entrepreneurship Development cell

Sr. No Year Name of Speaker Title
1 2019-20 Dr. Pravin Badhe


Swalife Biotech Ltd,


Entrepreneurship and Awareness
2 2019-20 Mr.Sandip Jadhav,

Amrut P’ceutical,

Retail and Wholesale Distributors,


Development of Entrepreneurship in Retailer and wholesale business.


3 2018-19 Dr.Sharad Gadakh

  • Director, Shradha Food Products, Sonai
  • Director, Mauli Milk Products, Bramhani
  • Director of Research, MPKV Rahuri


Business Strategies for New Entrepreneur in Herbals.


4 2017-18 Mr.Anand Nagapurkar,

Managing Director,

Adora Products Pvt.Ltd,


Entrepreneurship and Soft skill Development.


5 2016-17 Mr.Atish Sarkale,

Drug Inspector,


Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Pharmacist: New challenges.